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European Pepper Market: Spain and Netherlands Witness Decline 



European pepper market |


The European pepper market has recently experienced a notable shift, with Spain and the Netherlands witnessing a decline in their pepper production and market share. Peppers, a staple in European cuisine, play a crucial role in the continent’s culinary landscape, making fluctuations in their production and distribution significant. 

In Spain, traditionally one of the leading contributors to the European pepper market, a decline has been observed in recent times. Factors such as adverse weather conditions, changes in agricultural practices, or economic challenges may be influencing this downturn. The repercussions of this decline are felt not only within Spain but also resonate across the broader European market, impacting supply chains and pricing dynamics. 

Similarly, the Netherlands, known for its advanced greenhouse farming techniques and efficient agricultural practices, has also reported a dip in its pepper market. The reasons behind this decline could range from shifting consumer preferences to global economic factors affecting export demands. 

As these two key players experience a downturn, it raises questions about the overall stability and dynamics of the European pepper market. Stakeholders, including farmers, distributors, and consumers, are likely to be impacted by these shifts, prompting a closer examination of the factors contributing to the decline in Spain and the Netherlands and potential implications for the broader European market. 

European Pepper Market 

The European pepper market is a dynamic and integral component of the continent’s agricultural landscape. Peppers, encompassing a variety of types such as bell peppers, chili peppers, and sweet peppers, are widely consumed across Europe and hold a significant place in local cuisines. 

Spain has traditionally been a major contributor to the European pepper market, leveraging its favorable climate and extensive agricultural expertise. The country has been a key supplier of peppers, meeting both domestic demand and contributing to exports throughout the European Union. However, recent challenges, possibly including adverse weather conditions or shifts in agricultural practices, have led to a decline in Spain’s pepper production. 

The Netherlands, renowned for its advanced agricultural techniques and greenhouse farming, has also played a crucial role in the European pepper market. The country’s efficient practices have contributed to a steady supply of high-quality peppers. Nonetheless, a reported decline in the Dutch pepper market raises questions about the sustainability and resilience of the overall European pepper industry. 

This evolving landscape prompts stakeholders, ranging from farmers to distributors and consumers, to closely monitor market dynamics. The interplay of factors influencing the European pepper market underscores the need for adaptability and strategic planning within the industry to ensure a stable and resilient supply chain for this essential culinary ingredient. 

Spain and Netherlands Market Share in the European Pepper Market 

During the initial nine months of 2023, Spain and the Netherlands witnessed a decline in their market shares within the European pepper market, as indicated by a report. Spain, the leading supplier, experienced a reduction in pepper sales to the EU, amounting to 357.46 million kilograms, reflecting an 18.73% decrease compared to the same period in 2019. However, the value of Spanish sales saw a substantial increase of 28.91%, reaching 891.46 million euros, attributed to a surge in the average price per kilogram from €1.57 in 2019 to €2.49 in 2023. 

The Netherlands, the second-largest supplier, sold 192.54 million kilograms of peppers to the EU, marking a 10.01% decline. The total value of Dutch sales reached 461.66 million euros, with an average price of 2.40 euros per kilogram. This market shift coincided with Morocco and Turkey gaining traction as major players, with Morocco ranking third and Turkey fourth in pepper supply to the EU, experiencing notable increases in both quantity and value of sales during the same period. 

European Pepper Industry Trends 

The European pepper industry displayed notable trends during the first nine months of 2023, as outlined in a report. One prominent trend was the decline in market share for Spain and the Netherlands, the traditionally dominant players. Spain, while experiencing an 18.73% reduction in pepper quantity sold to the EU, witnessed a significant increase in the value of sales, driven by a noteworthy surge in the average price per kilogram. 

Contrastingly, the Netherlands faced a 10.01% decline in pepper sales, signaling a shift in market dynamics. This decline coincided with a surge in market share for Morocco and Turkey, emerging as the third and fourth-largest suppliers, respectively. Morocco demonstrated a substantial increase in both quantity (32.51%) and value of sales, securing its position as a major contributor to the European pepper market. Similarly, Turkey experienced remarkable growth in both sales’ quantity (68.17%) and value, showcasing its expanding influence. 

These trends highlight a changing landscape in the European pepper industry, with emerging suppliers gaining ground, possibly influenced by factors such as production dynamics, pricing strategies, or shifts in consumer preferences. The market’s resilience and adaptability to these shifts will likely be crucial for industry participants navigating the evolving dynamics. 


In conclusion, the European pepper market witnessed significant shifts during the first nine months of 2023. Spain and the Netherlands, traditionally dominant players, experienced declines in market share, while Morocco and Turkey emerged as notable contributors. Spain’s strategic focus on higher-value sales, despite a decrease in quantity, contributed to an overall increase in the value of its pepper exports. The Netherlands, on the other hand, faced a reduction in both quantity and market share. 

Morocco and Turkey showcased substantial growth in pepper sales, with increased quantities and values, solidifying their positions as key suppliers to the European market. These trends suggest a dynamic and evolving landscape influenced by factors such as production dynamics, pricing strategies, and changing consumer preferences. 

As the industry adapts to these shifts, stakeholders will need to closely monitor emerging trends and strategically position themselves to capitalize on new opportunities. The resilience and flexibility of market participants will be crucial in navigating the evolving dynamics of the European pepper industry in the coming months. 

Government Regulations & Policies

Sri Lankan Pineapples Granted China Market Access 

Discover how Sri Lankan pineapples have been granted access to the China market. Explore the impact this will have on Sri Lanka’s pineapple industry. 



Sri Lankan pineapples |


Sri Lankan pineapples have recently been granted access to the lucrative Chinese market, opening up new opportunities for the country’s agricultural sector and potentially transforming the pineapple industry. This significant milestone is the result of concerted efforts by Sri Lankan authorities and agricultural experts to meet China’s stringent import requirements, ensuring that Sri Lankan pineapples meet high standards of quality and safety. 

This new market access could have a profound impact on Sri Lanka’s economy, particularly for local pineapple farmers and exporters. China is one of the largest and fastest-growing consumer markets in the world, with a rapidly increasing demand for fresh produce. By entering this market, Sri Lanka can tap into a vast pool of potential customers, driving growth in its pineapple industry. 

The benefits are likely to extend beyond the immediate financial gains. Access to the Chinese market can encourage Sri Lankan farmers to adopt more sustainable and innovative farming practices, enhancing the quality of their produce and aligning with international standards. Furthermore, it may foster stronger trade relations between Sri Lanka and China, creating pathways for other agricultural products to gain similar access. 

Sri Lankan Pineapples Granted China Market Access 

The China General Administration of Customs released a notification on April 1st, detailing the phytosanitary conditions for bringing in fresh pineapples from Sri Lanka. China has approved the sale of pineapples, the second product from Sri Lanka to enter the market after bananas in 2015. 

The Mauritius (“Queen”) pineapple is the most popular type in Sri Lanka. This fruit, which is perfect for eating fresh due to its rich perfume and sweet taste, is renowned for its conical shape, spiky leaves, and bright yellow flesh. 

Even though there are more than 100 varieties of edible fruits in Sri Lanka, the country’s agricultural industry is underdeveloped, which leads to large post-harvest losses, low yields, and a failure to reach international quality requirements. China authorized the import of Sri Lankan bananas over ten years ago, but actual shipments are still essentially nonexistent. 

Sri Lankan Pineapples Industry

The South-South Cooperation program of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization began a new initiative in Sri Lanka in May 2023, with a $1.5 million budget. The project is to raise fruit quality, boost fruit value chains’ production and commercialization, and raise the industry’s market value in Sri Lanka. The initiative, which will be carried out over a period of 2.5 years in five districts of Sri Lanka, will concentrate on increasing the yield, production, and commercialization of three significant local fruit crops: pineapples, mangoes, and bananas.  

In accordance with the phytosanitary protocol, orchards planning to export fresh pineapples to China must put in place integrated pest management techniques, good agricultural practices, and a thorough quality management and traceability system overseen by Sri Lanka. To packaging, it is necessary to employ techniques like hand sorting, screening, scrubbing, or high-pressure water jet cleaning to guarantee that the fruits and crowns are free of any possible contaminants, including soil, grass seeds, plant leftovers, insects, mites, and snails.  

Sri Lankan officials must sample every shipment and inspect at least 2% of each batch for the first two years following the start of commerce. One possible option is to lower the sampling proportion to 1% if no phytosanitary issues emerge throughout the two-year timeframe. However, the entire batch might not be shipped to China if any quarantine pests of concern are found. Furthermore, for the balance of the export season, pineapple exports to China from the relevant plantations and packing facilities may be prohibited, contingent on the circumstances. Authorities in Sri Lanka must also work to determine the root causes and implement appropriate solutions, keep accurate records, and provide them to Chinese authorities upon request. 


The recent approval for Sri Lankan pineapples to enter the Chinese market marks a significant step in strengthening the country’s position in international trade. This move is expected to bring substantial benefits to the Sri Lankan pineapple industry, including access to a vast customer base and increased revenue opportunities for local farmers and exporters. However, achieving success in this new market requires ongoing commitment to quality, safety, and adherence to China’s strict phytosanitary requirements. 

Sri Lankan authorities and industry stakeholders must collaborate to ensure that pineapple producers meet the necessary standards, from orchard practices to packaging and shipping protocols. The focus on integrated pest management, good agricultural practices, and traceability systems will help maintain the quality of the produce and prevent potential phytosanitary issues. Additionally, Sri Lankan officials must rigorously inspect shipments to minimize risks and ensure compliance with Chinese regulations. 

While the challenges are considerable, the potential for growth in the Sri Lankan pineapple industry is immense. Access to the Chinese market may drive innovation in farming practices, boost production, and foster further international trade partnerships. Moreover, the success of this initiative could pave the way for other Sri Lankan fruits to gain market access, contributing to the overall growth of the country’s agricultural sector. 

In summary, the approval for Sri Lankan pineapples to enter the Chinese market is a promising development that holds the potential to transform the pineapple industry and stimulate broader economic growth in Sri Lanka. Success will depend on a coordinated effort to meet China’s requirements and capitalize on this valuable opportunity. 

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Onion Prices in Uzbekistan Hit Historic Lows 

Discover the reasons behind the historic low onion prices in Uzbekistan. Explore the factors contributing to this significant price drop in the onion market. 



Onion Prices in Uzbekistan |


The onion market in Uzbekistan is experiencing a remarkable downturn, with prices reaching historic lows. This trend has drawn the attention of farmers, traders, and consumers, as it significantly impacts the agricultural landscape and the wider economy. The steep decline in onion prices can be attributed to several factors, including an oversupply of onions, changing market dynamics, and external influences on global trade. 

Uzbekistan’s agricultural sector has seen an increase in onion production in recent years, driven by government incentives and modernization of farming practices. As a result, the domestic market has become saturated, leading to a surplus of onions. This oversupply has naturally driven prices down, as farmers and wholesalers seek to move their produce quickly to avoid spoilage and loss. 

Another contributing factor is the shifting patterns of global trade. As countries adjust their import and export policies, Uzbekistan’s position in the onion market has been affected. International demand for onions may have diminished, leaving more produce for the domestic market, further driving down prices.  

Additionally, weather conditions and transportation disruptions can also play a role in influencing the market. By understanding these key factors, one can better appreciate the complexities and challenges facing Uzbekistan’s onion market. 

Onion Prices in Uzbekistan Hit Historic Lows  

Uzbekistan onion prices have recently plummeted to historic lows, causing concern among farmers and traders. This dramatic price drop results from a confluence of factors impacting the nation’s onion market and broader agricultural sector. 

The primary reason for this price slump is the oversupply of onions. With government incentives boosting agricultural output, many Uzbek farmers have increased their onion production, leading to a surplus. As the market becomes saturated, prices fall, impacting farmers’ livelihoods and profitability.  

Another significant factor is the changing dynamics in global trade. Export markets, which traditionally absorbed a portion of Uzbekistan’s onion production, have shifted due to import restrictions and altered demand patterns. This has left more onions in the domestic market, creating a downward pressure on prices. 

Additionally, external factors such as transportation disruptions and unpredictable weather have affected the distribution and quality of onions, contributing to the excess supply. These factors have collectively pushed Uzbekistan onion prices to unprecedented lows, raising concerns about the sustainability of current agricultural practices and the economic impact on farmers. 

By examining these elements, we can understand the challenges facing Uzbekistan’s onion industry and consider potential strategies for stabilizing prices and supporting farmers in the long term. 


The recent price drop in the Uzbek onion market has sent ripples through the agricultural community, highlighting both challenges and opportunities. The oversupply of onions, changes in global trade dynamics, and external factors like weather and transportation disruptions have converged, resulting in historic lows for Uzbekistan onion prices. 

This price drop, while alarming for farmers and traders, offers a chance to reassess current agricultural practices. Addressing the surplus issue may require a shift in production strategies, such as diversifying crops, improving storage facilities to extend shelf life, or developing new export markets to balance the supply-demand equation.  

The Uzbek government and agricultural stakeholders could collaborate on initiatives that support farmers through this downturn. This might involve offering financial assistance, providing training on sustainable farming practices, or facilitating new trade partnerships to boost onion exports. Furthermore, improving transportation infrastructure could reduce disruptions, ensuring a more stable supply chain. 

While the immediate effects of the price drop are challenging, they can serve as a catalyst for positive change within the industry. By adopting innovative approaches and reinforcing the agricultural ecosystem, Uzbekistan can navigate through this period of low onion prices and build a more resilient and diversified agricultural sector for the future. 

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Pomelo Diplomacy: Strengthening Trade Relations Through Fruit 

Learn how the popularity of pomelo, a favorite Thai fruit, has contributed to advancing trade relations between Thailand and the US. Explore the intersection of diplomacy and agriculture.



Pomelo |


The intersection of diplomacy and agriculture often manifests in unexpected ways, one such example being the phenomenon of “Pomelo Diplomacy” between Thailand and the United States. Pomelo, a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, has emerged as not just a culinary delight but also a catalyst for strengthening trade relations between these two nations.  

The popularity of pomelo has soared globally, with the United States emerging as a significant importer of this Thai delicacy. This surge in demand has created a unique opportunity for both countries to engage in fruitful trade partnerships. Thailand, as a major producer of pomelo, has leveraged its agricultural prowess to enhance diplomatic ties with the US. Through the exchange of this delectable fruit, the two nations have fostered economic cooperation and cultural exchange. 

Furthermore, pomelo diplomacy underscores the significance of agricultural products as soft power tools in international relations. By showcasing the quality and diversity of its agricultural products, Thailand has effectively engaged in economic diplomacy, promoting its image as a reliable trade partner and enhancing its global influence. This symbiotic relationship between pomelo trade and diplomacy exemplifies how something as seemingly simple as a fruit can serve as a conduit for deeper international engagement and cooperation. 


The pomelo, often referred to as the “Thai fruit,” has its origins deeply rooted in Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand. Believed to have originated in Malaysia, the pomelo has been cultivated in Thailand for centuries, becoming an integral part of the country’s culinary and cultural heritage.  

Thailand’s favorable climate and fertile soil provide ideal conditions for pomelo cultivation, allowing the fruit to thrive and become a staple in both local markets and international trade. Today, Thailand remains one of the world’s leading producers of pomelo, exporting its renowned fruit to markets across the globe. 

Pomelo Impact on Trade Relations  

The popularity of pomelo has significantly impacted trade relations between Thailand and the United States, serving as a symbol of the deepening diplomatic ties between the two nations.  

As demand for this Thai fruit continues to rise in the US market, bilateral trade between Thailand and the US has flourished, creating economic opportunities and fostering mutual prosperity. The exchange of pomelo has not only facilitated commercial transactions but has also strengthened diplomatic relations, as both countries recognize the value of agricultural trade in promoting mutual understanding and cooperation. 

Moreover, the increasing trade in pomelo has provided a platform for dialogue and collaboration on broader issues of mutual interest, beyond just agricultural trade. Through shared economic interests, Thailand and the US have been able to forge stronger diplomatic ties, enhancing collaboration in areas such as security, technology, and cultural exchange.  

Pomelo diplomacy, therefore, represents more than just the exchange of fruit—it symbolizes the interconnectedness of economies and the potential for agricultural products to serve as catalysts for deeper diplomatic engagement and collaboration on a global scale. 


In conclusion, the concept of “Pomelo Diplomacy” highlights the profound impact that agricultural products, such as the Thai fruit pomelo, can have on international relations and trade dynamics. Through the exchange of this delectable fruit, Thailand and the United States have not only strengthened their economic ties but also deepened their diplomatic relations. The growing demand for pomelo in the US market has created a mutually beneficial trade partnership, enhanced commercial transactions and fostered mutual prosperity. 

Furthermore, pomelo diplomacy underscores the importance of soft power in modern diplomacy, as agricultural products serve as potent symbols of a country’s cultural heritage and economic vitality. By leveraging the popularity of pomelo, Thailand has effectively showcased its agricultural prowess and positioned itself as a reliable trade partner and cultural ambassador on the global stage. 

Looking ahead, the success of pomelo diplomacy sets a promising precedent for future agricultural trade initiatives and diplomatic engagements between nations. As countries continue to seek innovative ways to strengthen their diplomatic ties and promote economic cooperation, the role of agricultural products as conduits for international engagement will undoubtedly become increasingly significant. Thus, pomelo diplomacy not only exemplifies the intersection of diplomacy and agriculture but also serves as a compelling testament to the power of food to unite nations and advance mutual interests on the world stage. 

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