Food Safety & Quality Control




The tomato industry has witnessed significant transformations in recent years, particularly in terms of the diversity of available tomato varieties. There has been a notable focus on developing tomatoes with unique characteristics, such as exceptional taste, which is highly desired by both growers and consumers.

According to industry experts, the evolution of tomato offerings has been influenced by economic phases in the region and beyond. After a period of economic challenges, there was a push for growth in the sector. Companies responded by expanding the range of tomato varieties in the market, moving away from basic options and prioritizing flavour, which proved to be in high demand and more profitable.

In the past, there was an extensive selection of tomatoes, each with different textures and flavours tailored to specific uses. However, recent changes in consumer habits, accelerated by external factors such as the pandemic, have led to a more focused approach. Companies are now working with the most popular tomato types, ensuring they meet customer preferences. These popular varieties include tomatoes with distinct flavours, cocktail tomatoes, and vine and pear tomatoes.

Industry professionals emphasize the importance of adapting to changing dynamics and adjusting strategies accordingly. They note that tomatoes offer a wide range of options to cater to various demands, from high-volume varieties to those with unique characteristics. This diversity is seen as a positive development for consumers seeking healthy eating choices.

In addition to consumer-driven changes, the tomato industry has also faced challenges such as the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV). Detection of the virus in certain regions prompted responsible actions, including timely communication with relevant authorities and customers.

Experts stress the need for transparency and accountability in dealing with such challenges. They highlight that the virus can be transmitted through contact, including by insects, and emphasize the importance of implementing appropriate measures to prevent its spread to neighbouring plantations.

Addressing the virus and its impacts on production, professionals note that the situation is complex. Some farms have experienced consecutive years of virus-related issues, leading to the removal of affected plantations at specific times. While production cannot be halted entirely, increased costs and price hikes have become unavoidable. It is crucial for retailers and customers to understand that these price increases are a result of real cost escalations and the presence of the virus, rather than speculative practices.

In conclusion, industry stakeholders urge retailers and customers to be aware of the challenges faced by the tomato industry and recognize the genuine factors contributing to price increases. Understanding the impact of external factors and supporting sustainable practices can help ensure the availability of a diverse range of high-quality tomatoes.

26 May 2023

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