International Trade & Commerce




Photo by Townsend Walton:

In recent news, transit times to Brazil have experienced a significant increase from 9 to 17 days. This is causing a disruption in the arrival of certain plum varieties. This delay has resulted in challenges for suppliers and consumers alike.

The plum season has started in Extremadura, Spain, with fewer kilograms than anticipated. While the peach and nectarine campaigns are nearing their conclusion. The mid-season and late types eventually produced results that were comparable. Contrary to our initial expectations that only the May and June kinds would experience a decrease in production.

We believed that the early and extra-early kinds has escape damage when we were attacked by frosts in April, but as time went on, it became apparent that the rest had also been harmed. There are kinds with up to 30–50% productivity losses, and it has been evident during the entire campaign. Prices have increased due to the decrease in production in Spain’s (by far) primary plum-producing region. Even if this might be exactly what we need, there are alternative origins that can supply the European market, both inside and outside the EU, therefore the market isn’t always willing to absorb such increases.

Plums from Turkey, Hungary, or Romania can also be found in Germany, the Netherlands, and all of the Nordic nations. These marketplaces are not our primary ones since consumers from those nations prioritize buying their own items on these other markets. If there was overlap with those competitors in regions where we supply our different plum varieties and in which we are extremely well-established, such as the nations of Eastern Europe, where this year we are observing a decline in our plum sales owing to the conflict in Ukraine, that would be an issue.

Impact on Plum Suppliers

The extended transit times have posed a major setback for plum suppliers who rely on timely deliveries to meet consumer demand. With the delay in transportation, suppliers are struggling to maintain a steady supply of plum varieties, leading to potential financial losses. In Brazil on August 29, 2023, the transit times for plum supplies experienced a notable increase from 9 to 17 days. This delay has had a significant impact on the availability of plum in the country. Plum suppliers are facing challenges in meeting consumer demand due to the prolonged transportation process. The extended transit times have led to a shortage of certain plum varieties, causing disruptions in local markets and affecting consumers who rely on these fruits. Efforts are being made to find alternative transportation routes and streamline logistics processes to mitigate the impact on plum supplies in Brazil.

Fruit Shortage in Brazil

As a consequence of the prolonged transit times, Brazil is experiencing a shortage of certain plum varieties. This scarcity has affected local markets and consumers who rely on these fruits for various purposes. Including culinary uses and nutritional benefits. Brazil experienced a fruit shortage due to various factors. The prolonged transit times for plum supplies, as well as other fruits, contributed to this scarcity. The delays in transportation disrupted the timely arrival of fruits. Leading to a limited availability of certain varieties in local markets. This shortage affected consumers who rely on fruits for their culinary needs and nutritional benefits. The fruit shortage prompted consumers to explore alternative options or substitute with other fruits. Efforts are being made to address the logistics challenges and find solutions to ensure a steady supply of fruits in Brazil.

Increased Costs and Logistics Challenges

The longer transit times have also resulted in increased costs and logistical challenges for both suppliers and transport companies. The additional time required for transportation has led to higher shipping expenses, impacting the overall profitability of the plum industry. Brazil faced increased costs of plum varieties and logistics challenges that impacted various industries. The prolonged transit times and disruptions in the supply chain led to higher transportation costs, as companies had to find alternative routes or modes of transportation. Additionally, the logistics challenges posed hurdles in delivering goods on time, resulting in delays and inefficiencies. These increased costs and logistical difficulties affected businesses across sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, and retail. Efforts were made to streamline processes, optimize routes. And find innovative solutions to mitigate the impact and restore smoother operations in Brazil.

Search for Alternative Transportation Routes

In response to the transit delays, suppliers and transport companies are actively seeking alternative transportation routes to expedite the delivery process. Exploring new routes and logistics strategies is crucial to minimize the impact on plum variety availability. Brazil embarked on a search for alternative transportation routes to address the challenges faced in the fruit supply chain. The prolonged transit times and disruptions in logistics prompted the need for innovative solutions. Efforts were made to identify alternative routes that could expedite the transportation of fruits and reduce delays. This involved exploring different modes of transportation. Such as air freight or alternative road networks, to ensure a smoother flow of goods. The goal was to optimize the supply chain and minimize the impact of transportation issues on the availability of fruits in local markets.

Consumer Adaptation

Consumers in Brazil are adapting to the shortage of certain plum varieties by exploring alternative options or substituting with other fruits. This flexibility in consumer behavior helps mitigate the impact of transit delays on their daily routines and dietary preferences.

Collaboration and Solutions

To address the challenges posed by the extended transit times. Stakeholders in the plum industry are collaborating to find viable solutions. This includes working closely with transportation companies, exploring technological advancements, and streamlining supply chain processes. Various stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, and industry associations, came together to address the increased costs and logistics challenges. Collaborative initiatives are launch to streamline processes, optimize transportation routes, and improve the efficiency of the supply chain. This involved sharing best practices, leveraging technology, and exploring innovative solutions for the growth of different plum varieties. The aim was to find sustainable and long-term solutions that would not only mitigate the immediate impact. But also strengthen the resilience of the logistics infrastructure in Brazil. Through collaboration, progress was made towards overcoming the challenges and ensuring smoother operations in the future.

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